“The obedient often think of themselves are virtuous rather than cowardly.”
~Robert Anton Wilson~
This is a hot topic but I feel it needs to be said. I am not trying to change anyone’s mind. I am trying to create some mutual understanding.
I like to take a macro look at world events. A birds eye view, so to speak. This, in my opinion, allows a broader understanding of events, whether cultural, economic, military or historical.
Let me put this into context.
I was with a group not so long ago, older folks retired….sitting around.
The rant started roughly in this order:
⦁ anti gun
⦁ anti religion
⦁ anti conservative
⦁ anti anti-vax
⦁ anti business owners
⦁ anti anything american
And eventually anti Trump. There’s the clinch.
I listened to the white upper class bourgeois whining, blaming and complaining.
And when the Trump thing came up I finally spoke up. “Listen“, I said, “ I don’t like arguing about politics...”…
But my point was, in my opinion well articulated and heard. Judging by their reaction. Let me explain…
I said, when the Trump thing came up, about why he won: “I was surprised when he won. No one more than me. But eventually came to two conclusions: one, we live in an upside down clown world. And, well, keep reading….
So, not surprised a brash, crude, narcissistic new york real estate dev with a big ego got in. But, more importantly, I wanted to hear from others. So, I emailed and texted all my american friends and relatives and asked…what happened? who did you vote for and why?”
They all said basically the same thing. “Not voting for Hillary.” Some it seemed voted for Mr T while holding their noses.
Which leads me to my main point. Hillary, and the liberals/dem are their own worst enemy. Let me explain. This is my main point here.
Back to my aforementioned list. I listen to the tirade of insults and put downs aimed at the working class. The “deplorables” as Clinton said, out loud, in a public forum. I mean, what was she thinking? Duh…
(Trudeau said a similar slur with his use of the comment; “Those with unacceptable views….mysoginists..”…gimme a break.)
Do they now know what they sound like? Seriously?
Most of them are upper middle class white folks with university/college degrees, government jobs or large institutional careers. Self protecting egos wrapped in layers of false virtue often propelled by obedience. Obey, and you’re virtuous.
They sound so arrogant. Do they not see it?? Uber privileged, formally educated, privileged telling the “deplorables” what is wrong with them.
They don’t see it? It’s so clear as day as they sit around making these toxic, main street media echo chamber bubble opinions known, as if they have ALL the answers.
And the rest are stupid, deplorable, misogynists, dumb, blue collars workers, farmers, and truckers…Yes, truckers. I heard one guy, with an MBA no less, call them neanderthals.
Don’t you see the divide? The deplorables are people who’ve developed street smarts, common sense and many have stared into the abyss in their lives. They work hard and take risks. Many are business owners.
The other side get degrees, and well paid positions and power, lots of power, often working for large institutions and gov jobs.
Worlds apart.
But are they smarter? They think they are. What hubris.
Do they not hear what they sound like? Do they think they make sense in their criticisms, name calling and judgements? Yes, they have the main stream media on their side. Does this make it right?
Only if you stay in your echo chamber and refuse to see beyond the bubble. These middle/upper class “elites”, the bourgeoisie parrot the same ideology over and over and over. It’s tiring. And pointless.
Someone commented that the world is moving more to “the right”. As if that’s bad thing. I thought “no wonder. Look at what you sound like. Look at the clown world insanity that lives in the liberal left leaning, cancel culture, critical race theory, transgender pushing world.”
We can look at why this is. Is it self protection that evolves to a level of narcissism? A culture in decline and a lack of meaning in society? A cultural vacuum that needs to get filled with something because we lost meaning and lost our way?
We fill it with blaming, victimizing, empty jargon, hedonism, daily propaganda from the MSM, entertainment, food, booze, drugs, pharmaceuticals and ideologies.
These are good questions. My question still is, do you know/hear what you sound like? Arrogant, holier than thou, ideology based superior moral and virtuous?
To the average Joe blue collar dude who maybe watches WWF, has a family he loves. Goes to church, maybe. BBQ’s and drinks beer straight from the can. He looks around and sees insanity and illogical finger pointing.
When someone refers to the blue collar workers as Neanderthals, does this actually resonate with said Neanderthals? I suggest it’s way more toxic, empty damnation and hollow finger pointing insults than when my 87 year father in law make innocuous racist comments. (I remind others he was born in 1933. You’d probably say the same shit.)
My mother used to say “remember when you’re pointing a finger their are three more pointing back at you.”
Ad Hominen….The name calling is another manifestation. If I don’t agree with you or like what you’re saying, I call it or you some derogatory representation. IE racist, anything-phobe, Trudeau’s favorite: misogynist. Q-anon, far right, alt right…all scary, so scary sounding….
We need to look at ourselves. I often have to bite my tongue. I listen, mostly keep quiet. I really like a lot of my friends who exist on the other side. Even though I ask myself: Do they not hear what you sound like?
Now I’m asking you…. Do you not hear what you sound like?
My opinion, my take, is expressed in a short, sweet and truth filled statement I hear decades ago when a reporter asked a Buddhist monk what is the greatest truth in life.
He paused, thought and said quietly:
“Know yourself”
A comment I agree with:
“Our principle problem in Canada is Trudeau’s woke voter base. Most have university degrees, very few in the STEM field thus they are not well educated. They make up a large portion of unionized school teachers and civil servants and that portion of society that are reliant on liberal governments to sand bag their wages. The next group are immigrants that have been showered with so many benefits, no steady job is required.”
And finally, a quote I created years ago:
“The Main street media is to the truth what MacDonalds is to nutrition.”
Besides all the key points I wrote about in this article, and to support my point that we are in decline, clown world, a few examples. THERE ARE WAY, WAY more samples. This is only three quickies:
Food for thought…
Last, ‘you can’t be serious’, example of the insanity that lives in progressive liberal universe:
Final thoughts….an overview by a friend Tyson Zahner… a father, businessman, and solid guy:
“The Biden campaign just issued a statement last night saying that because Trump said “there would be a ‘bloodbath’ if he wasn’t elected”, he was “doub[ling] down on his threats of political violence”.
Of course they failed to mention the context in which Trump used the word “bloodbath” (he was talking about the auto industry), and he was referring to an economic bloodbath.
Naturally, the main stream media publications who see themselves as the propaganda arm for the democrats, amplified the “bloodbath” lie.
If you want to know why so many people will still vote for Trump in November despite his glaring flaws as a human being, this is one major reason.
People are sick and tired of being lied to and gaslit by the elites and the main stream media.
The “bloodbath” narrative is just one more in a long string of propaganda …
All of the following were either flat out lies or gross mischaracterizations of the truth for the purpose of political manipulation. Most people are onto it and have had enough.
Russia Collusion
Donald Trump “very fine people”
Brett Kavanaugh is a serial rapist
Jussie Smolett hoax
Bubba Wallace noose hoax
Lies about Rittenhouse
Covington kids are racist
“Mostly peaceful” protests
Boys are girls and vice versa
Florida won’t let you say “Gay” in that state
Republicans want to “ban books”
Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation
Whitmer kidnapping attempt
the pee pee tape
border agents whipping migrants from horseback?
the Steele Dossier
The Muslim travel ban
One more from Tyson, from his Fb page:
What is the real appeal of Donald Trump?
How could so many people be mobilized and motivated to vote for such a flawed human being?
To anyone who despises Trump at a personal level, I urge you especially to read what I’ve written below.
(After all, how can you defeat an enemy you do not understand?)
Believe it or not, I don’t care for Trump personally.
While I’m planning (quite enthusiastically) to vote for him, I don’t think he’s a particularly good or moral person.
So what exactly could garner such support?
The support for Trump is a reaction to equally concerning forces on the other side. It’s what he represents that people are voting for, not necessarily who he is.
So, what does he represent?
He represents what many see as the only way to send a message to Democrats that they’ve gone too far. Even many former Democrats feel alienated by their own party and see Trump as the only way to express their dissatisfaction.
If you want to eliminate Trump’s power, you have to eliminate his appeal, which involves the following things (just for starters):
Abandon wokeism: The extreme focus on political correctness and identity politics has led to tearing down statues and institutions, thought policing, climate hysteria, neo-racism, queer pedagogy, and socialist equity using statist/corporatist/cultural enforcement. This behavior has created a backlash. People are tired of feeling like they have to walk on eggshells
Abandon the culture of victimhood and the “suffrage Olympics”: The constant competition over who is the most oppressed is divisive and counterproductive. For example, the phenomenon of “microaggressions” and the rise of “safe spaces” in universities and “cultural appropriation”, where even benign acts of cultural exchange are viewed as offensive.
Move away from the oppressed vs. oppressor narrative: This binary way of viewing the world oversimplifies complex social issues and pits groups against each other. For example, the blanket labeling of all police as oppressors or the categorization of all wealthy individuals as oppressors and all poor individuals as oppressed or viewing all men as oppressors and all women as oppressed.
Return to sober science: Decisions should be based on objective, rational science rather than ideology or emotional appeals. This especially means not silencing the voices of doctors and scientists who challenge the approved narrative.
Return to reason and rationality: Rational discourse and critical thinking should be at the forefront of political debate, not overshadowed by emotional manipulation.
Return to meritocracy: We have to get back to the principle that individuals should be rewarded based on their abilities and achievements, rather than their identity. Merit should matter more than the racial or gender or sexuality characteristics.
Focus on ideas, not identities: The value of ideas should be judged on their own merit, not dismissed or accepted based on the identity of the person presenting them.
Stop dismissing standards as inventions of the white patriarchy: Many have dismissed important standards of truth and knowledge as mere constructs of a biased system (“tHe wHiTe pAtrIArChy”) in order to evade meeting those high standards. For example, the scientific method is now dismissed by some as a tool of oppression. Merit-based education and employment are critiqued as “exclusionary”. Historical achievements in art, literature, and philosophy are often undervalued because they are predominantly from Western, male figures. Stop telling us these things are inventions of the white patriarchy just to avoid the effort they demand.
And this is just for starters …
You can’t even begin to think about reclaiming the middle unless these things are done at a bare minimum.
Otherwise I predict the support for Trump (and other political candidates like him) will continue to grow, not out of love for him, but as a way to send the left a middle finger.